Saturday, September 19, 2009

The trump cards (Major Aracana or Greater Secrets) disliked by the church, took their title from the holy pageant know to the ancient world as a triumph.

Processions and sacred games in pagan Rome were under the charge of a high priest. The central figure in a triumph was: a hero, sacred king, emperor, or a man impersonating a god.

Cards in sequence imitated holy processions and each picture meant a new revelation.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Card of the Day

"The Moon" - means that things have already been set in motion, no need to be concerned about the course of events, you will be happy enough with the outcome!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Yet Again.....

Many Europeans were convinced that the figures on the tarot cards were pagan dieties. In the East pictures had been used to teach children about religious doctrines while they played games. This principle was well known in Christian Europe - think of blocks with letters and pictures (50's toys.)

Games of cards and boards have always been popular in the East for religious instruction because it was the way to educate those who where unable to read and write.

These games had been defined by the church as frivolous or carnival like. The word Pageant meant a series of mystical revelations in the drama. These dramas consisted of movable floats or stages in the mystery play.

Each float shared a divine person or symbol. Oriental material as well as occidental found its way into games and tarot cards.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


The church felt that the cards conveyed a heretical message. What was the message?

In the 13th Century the cards were referred to as the devil's book. During the 14th and 15th Centuries tarot cards were banned throughout Europe.

During this period there were many pockets of opposition to the church. Alternate faiths were being sought. Across all levels of society people were beginning to questions the church's right to control.

New ideas from the East stimulated curiousity and revived the old Indo/Euro paganism that once gave East and West their common heritage of language, culture and religion.

The Eastern centers of civilization were already using cards for gaming and divining (notice the connection to the word divine) and had been doing so for a few hundred years.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Historical Background

Have decided to continue my blog with some historical background.

Tarot cards were the ancestors of modern playing cards. Tarot suits of cups, wands, discs,and swords evolved into hearts, clubs, diamonds and spades. A traditional tarot pack contains 78 cards - the modern deck of 52 playing cards is a shortened version. 26 cards were lost although the joker is kept but usually does not play.

Why were the 26 cards lost? Who abolished them? Probably Christian clergymen. The church felt that the cards conveyed a heretical message.

What was the message? Why did the church find these cards so threatening?

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Feng Shui

I was pondering which snippets of tarot wisdom belonged in my first posting - and rather than tarot my thoughts were of "Feng Shui" -- so if this is what I am supposed to share  - then there is someone out there for whom it will make perfect sense.

Remember that while we do not have total control over our lives, we are not helpless either. Granted, we are influenced by our experiences and environment, but we can still build on what we have and improve our circumstances.

An understanding of Feng Shui enables us to alter our surroundings with a goal to changing our life for the better.

Tarot teaches  that we can alter our surroundings, alter ourselves, but not alter others.