Sunday, February 24, 2013

Minor Arcana

Minor Arcana: 7 of Disks

For many it signals failure - of a cause or project - but, I see it as a delay - should we delay action -  brings me back to fear - we cannot not do something due to fear - sometimes we need to speak up to upold our own dignity or that of others.

One cannot retreat into the old shell - that of fear - don't speak up due to fear of the punishment - instead remove oneself from those situations in which one does not feel comfortable.  Remember the 12Steps - one does not have to stay in a situation in which one feels uncomfortable.

It is not my place to interpret the messge - just to channel same -  know this will make sense to many if not now then later - far better to acknolwedge now - the higher powers see our progress and make the next lesson more lenient....

Mercury Retrograde

February 23 through March 17

Best to not sign contracts, reach agreements, make decisions or major puurchases during this phase....

Friday, February 15, 2013

The Fool

The Fool

If this is your card for the day - it signifies that you should be open to everything - stay neutral - unbiased.  Take things lightly - let yourself remain loose and playful.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Red Garnet

Getting red stones today - which seems appropriate with Valentine's Day tomorrow....

Red garnet the stone of Mars - imparting power, energy, courage and also passionate love.

Red roses - the message - True love, I love you, love.....

Happy Valentine's Day to all....

Monday, February 11, 2013


My guides are sending me in many different directions - it is suggested that today I speak of precious stones...nice idea...

The sapphire which can be white, yellow, light blue, bluish green or dark blue sometimes almost violet in its intensity is associated with Mercury and its signs, Gemini & Virgo.

However, blue is the color most often associated with the Sapphire and this variety is also associated with Venus  and her Sign, Taurus making it the stone of true friendship or love.

Sapphire also  calms and is very useful in meditation and as such should be worn close to the chest - under the clothing - in  a pendant type  necklace perhaps.

So far so good - have been sent in the direction of tarot, astrology, precious stones - feel my guides would like my blog to be more versatile and  interesting - I am comfortable with this plan - wouldn't want to appear dull...and a name is just a name after all......

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Chinese New Year

This second new moon of 2013 marks the beginning of the Chinese New Year: the  Year of the Water Snake - this will be a year to easily make changes and open oneself up to a wealth of new opportunities.

As in other astrological  systems Chinese astrology says that the time you are born and its subsequent planetary positions create a pattern that influences who you may become.

There are various calendar cycles in Chinese astrology which fall into a 60 year cycle and together form a way to see the  influences that may impact your life.

The most regular of the calendar cycles is the solar calendar which follows a bi-weekly  pattern and runs concurrently with the lunar cycle.  The lunar cyle measures according to the 28 day cycle of the moon. The lunar year is composed of either 12 or 13 months to make sure that the winter solstice always falls in month 11. 

Each year  is influenced by an animal: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog & Pig. This cycle repeats every 12 years and always in the same order.  The years are also dominated by yin or yang energy and one of five elements; the entire cycle repeating every 60 years.  The days are also divided into two hour perods.

It is believed that the year animals represent your outer personality, month animals how you will behave in relationships and hour animals, your true self. 

As in any belief system, always remember that your free will can over ride any prediction.

If you wish to email me with your Year, Month, Day & Time of Birth I should be glad to provide you with your Chinese astrology aspects gratis!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Once more the higher powers are directing me towards the crystals - haven't yet figured out the connection to the tarot - yet, who am I to question - let me just channel their sure they will bring me back to tarot when they are ready...

Selenite also known as Desert Rose - and Demis Russos plays in the background -  has a very interesting vibration - bringing clarity to the wearer - also instills deap peace - enhances telepathy - forms a protective field around a home - place a piece in each corner of the home or room - place a large piece in a central location to ensure a peaceful aura may also be used to strengthen affirmations of intent.

Monday, February 4, 2013


Feel drawn to onyx today - perhaps because it gives strength and support to the user or wearer.  It provides support in difficult or confusing circumstances and during times of stress.

It should be worn on the left side of the body either as a necklace or perhaps as a stone kept in one's pocket.

Sunday, February 3, 2013


Card of the Day: 7th Card in the Major Arcana - Courage

As a very wise,  departed friend once told me - "You cannot not do something because of fear...."

If there is something you need to do - why not just do it!  Yes!  You may feel the fear - but remember that courage isn't the freedom from fear - it is recognizing the fear but not letting it hold you back!