Monday, February 11, 2013


My guides are sending me in many different directions - it is suggested that today I speak of precious stones...nice idea...

The sapphire which can be white, yellow, light blue, bluish green or dark blue sometimes almost violet in its intensity is associated with Mercury and its signs, Gemini & Virgo.

However, blue is the color most often associated with the Sapphire and this variety is also associated with Venus  and her Sign, Taurus making it the stone of true friendship or love.

Sapphire also  calms and is very useful in meditation and as such should be worn close to the chest - under the clothing - in  a pendant type  necklace perhaps.

So far so good - have been sent in the direction of tarot, astrology, precious stones - feel my guides would like my blog to be more versatile and  interesting - I am comfortable with this plan - wouldn't want to appear dull...and a name is just a name after all......

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